Can we compete together?

If Birds can do it, why can't we


Birds fight together to survive. Isn’t it time for healthcare professionals to stand up for science together to prevent the harm of hype?

We hope to make it easy and fun for healthcare learners to train interprofessionally, by providing an open, curated, non-profit network of knowledge sharing Hubs. Educators – anywhere – could train their learners to compete to ‘share & spread what works and where to find it’ … to have the most impact – together, via shared service-learning.  Anybody game?


OnAir Post: Can we compete together?

Most don’t share

Can we compete together? 4At a recent conference, when Popular author Mitch Prinstein suggested we all just tweet once, some did.  But let’s face it, even though we’re outraged at the misinformation online, most in healthcare don’t share what we know with the public.

 Mayo shares … Why not us?

Can we collaborate to compete? 2

Mayo Clinic Social Media Residency
Nov 12-17, 2018

Years ago, at a Mayo Social Media Residency I learned that many in healthcare avoid social media due to fears of catastrophized risks. Fact is, Mayo Clinic experts say it’s vital to share and their lawyers say there’s virtually no liability risk, if we don’t ‘share’ anything we wouldn’t say out loud in an elevator.

As an antidote to fears, we offer ‘exposure-safe’ Health Hubs. A leading pioneer in Health Communication, our advisor has piloted Hubs for his 2017 conference as well as in his courses that added service-learning projects targeting one shared aim.

Are educators ready to add a shared service-learning project to their courses – to offer hands-on social media training across silos (suggested by our Curriculum) … for a little healthy competition?

Can we compete to have impact?

To change norms, health communicators say we must make it EASY, FUN, & POPULAR. We can make Hubs EASY for any healthcare educator to train learners anywhere to share with the public, to comment on and curate others posts, and to spread the content to more social platforms. We can make it FUN for individual learners (or classes, programs, hospitals) to compete to have an impact.

Can we compete together?Educators … will you make ‘sharing’ POPULAR?
Could your learners, for credit, share with the public what they learn in your course on a Health Hub – CBTInsomnia, Health Communication, Addictions, Neuroscience and others?

Would you offer a service-learning opportunity to enter a shared social media challenge to:

Can we compete together? 5


  • Share:  Create a blog post or enhance others posts on a Hub topic  (see examples)
  • Spread:  Interprofessionally disseminate content (e.g., Tweet-to-compete for more impact in the intercollegiate competition)
  • Measure impact:  Display social media metrics on a leaderboard to spotlight the top influencers (learners, classes, programs, hospitals).

Bottom Line

I look forward to a day when healthcare educators collaborate to add a shared service learning project to courses so learners can practice clinical prevention and population health media skills … to fight the hype together.

Can we compete together? 2

Share & Spread
… ‘what works and where to find it’ to the public on curated Hubs

Compete for the most impact  (see March Madness for Total Fitness Health Comm pilots)

Continuously Improve … learn best practices for sharing together (dissemination & implementation; social scholarship)


For more, contact Meredith Cary.


OnAir membership is required. The lead Moderator for the discussions is Meredith Cary. We encourage civil, honest, and safe discourse. For more information on commenting and giving feedback, see our Comment Guidelines.

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