Daily stress is an unavoidable part of daily life. It’s how you manage the stress that’s most important.
OnAir Post: Headaches and Biofeedback
Then during the nineties, when I was on the Clinical Faculty in Behavioral Medicine at Georgetown University, outpatients with all kinds of pain – head, back, stomach – came into the Biofeedback Lab I directed. I always thought how ironic it was. They rushed through traffic, hassled with parking, and stressed about being late – just to come in to relax.
Thankfully now, Biofeedback is entirely portable. In the quiet of your favorite place, you can teach yourself how to relax tension away and take control of your nervous system – to access the relaxation response. So, you might want to look into something like the Stress Eraser (I don’t have any stock in their company). It’s a proven tool.